The Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) are raising awareness of its Smoke Free Policy for this year’s National No Smoking Day on 11 March 2009.
From 10 March 2009, the Western Trust became a totally smoke free Trust. That means that smoking is no longer permitted on any of the Western Trust’s hospital sites. This includes the hospital buildings, the grounds, the bus stops and car parks.
Dr. Maura O’Neill, Head of Health Promotion for the Western Trust explained: “The Western Trust Smoke Free Policy aims to protect the health of staff, visitors and service users. The policy states that smoking is not permitted in any Western Trust building and only within designated smoking areas. Patients and service users are only allowed to smoke in these designated areas.â€
•   For staff the policy means – Western Trust employees are not allowed to smoke in any Trust building, grounds or Trust vehicle. They may only smoke in their cars provided another member of staff does not accompany them.
•   For patients and visitors the policy means – You are not allowed to smoke in any Trust building – you can only smoke in the designated smoking areas, which are clearly sign posted
Dr. McNeil Consultant Cardiologist, Western Trust added: “This is a major step forward in the Trust’s attempt to protect our staff from the harmful effects of smoking. We recognise the benefits to be gained by introducing the policy and with the help of our colleagues in Health Promotion and Smoking Cessation Specialists, we can offer an extensive range of initiatives to support those staff that wish to stop smoking. It is encouraging to have already received a positive response from staff regarding the policy direction.”
The Western Trust would like to take the opportunity on National No Smoking Day to ask people to kindly refrain from smoking when on Trust premises and grounds. Please help us to make the Western Trust a healthier place for patients, visitors and staff by not smoking. If you would like to see a copy of the policy or require more information please contact the Health Promotion Department: 02871865127.